This young lady exudes the charm and wit necessary to restore classical literature and philosophy to its needed place in our technology-driven world. Give her a chance.

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This is a great post. Storytelling is also crucial for ethics (you get at this a bit in today's post on Viktor Frankl). One way to think of ethics is that it deals with the narrative of our lives: where we've come from, who we are, and where we are going. It is not a coincidence that "character" is a term from both ethics and literary analysis. You could also say ethics deals with the stories we tell ourselves about who we are-- is it a story that helps us to grow and develop, or is it a story that keeps us stuck in our bad habits and keeps us from growing?

On another note, I've also started seeing ads on YouTube about services to help you use storytelling to improve business presentations. I don't think the point is using an anecdote in your presentation, but rather framing the presentation itself as a narrative, for example portraying the company as the "hero" that has to battle against impossible odds to achieve the goal, etc. I think there's a lot of truth in that way to frame a presentation.

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