I really liked the idea of viewing certain circumstances as a "Life Tax". Like the cliche I suppose such taxes are inevitable. I thought about it and decided that I will watch myself to make sure that I am not a Life Tax Collector. There are certain aspects of my occupation that could put me in a position to impose and collect Life Taxes on others...I definitely don't want to do that!!!
I heartily agree with your concept of "life tax" and "life tuition". I have (as most others in the western world) become accustomed to having my way and getting what I want. I think most people in third world countries think of a "life tax" as, well..., simply life. Their tuition is high but they seem to accept it--and may never graduate.
As I read your article, I thought of something written by Graham Cooke concerning "Grace Growers". These are people God places in our life (or us in theirs); they can be needy, discouraged, depressed, anxious, worried, etc. They grow grace in us by making demands on us regarding their situations. We, of course, can simply ignore them but I believe God wants us to see them through His eyes and respond as He would.
Anyway thanks again for the post. I will keep it for future reference.
Reminds me of Niebuhr’s line in his famous prayer ‘accepting this sinful world as it is, not as I would have it’ -one of the most challenging practices! I am impatient for the day when wrongs will be made right, but can have confidence that even ‘what the enemy intended for evil, God can use for good’. Ah redemption!
I really liked the idea of viewing certain circumstances as a "Life Tax". Like the cliche I suppose such taxes are inevitable. I thought about it and decided that I will watch myself to make sure that I am not a Life Tax Collector. There are certain aspects of my occupation that could put me in a position to impose and collect Life Taxes on others...I definitely don't want to do that!!!
I heartily agree with your concept of "life tax" and "life tuition". I have (as most others in the western world) become accustomed to having my way and getting what I want. I think most people in third world countries think of a "life tax" as, well..., simply life. Their tuition is high but they seem to accept it--and may never graduate.
As I read your article, I thought of something written by Graham Cooke concerning "Grace Growers". These are people God places in our life (or us in theirs); they can be needy, discouraged, depressed, anxious, worried, etc. They grow grace in us by making demands on us regarding their situations. We, of course, can simply ignore them but I believe God wants us to see them through His eyes and respond as He would.
Anyway thanks again for the post. I will keep it for future reference.
Reminds me of Niebuhr’s line in his famous prayer ‘accepting this sinful world as it is, not as I would have it’ -one of the most challenging practices! I am impatient for the day when wrongs will be made right, but can have confidence that even ‘what the enemy intended for evil, God can use for good’. Ah redemption!