Great article! Therapists know the same is true for fear. We fear the stranger, also the stranger within. But when we befriend what we fear fear looses its function.
This is a great article. Both Lexi and Daryl are legends, great to see them together. Classical education should bring people together based on their shared humanity and rationality. That is the noble mission of Lexi's Civic Renaissance, whose excellent work I proudly follow. Reason is the enemy of prejudice. Thanks for sharing!
Where to start! First, I will say that Daryl Davis is as good a person as can be asked for in this world, but the biggest problems facing humanity are not mentioned. It is like the Doctor who tells his patient, Mr. Jones, "do not worry about that hangnail Mr. Jones, it is nothing compared to the gangrene that is eating your leg off". While trying to heal hatred one person at a time, the powers that be are busy killing us all with drugs that damage, kill and ultimately depopulate the planet. The covid fraud is just the tip of the iceberg. Now I understand that writing books and selling them is important for you as a writer, and I understand that healing hatred is a noble activity. In this case it is as relevant as concentrating on what tune the band on the Titanic is playing while sinking! Do you not know what is going on with the WHO, the World Economic Forum, big pharma, and the health regulatory agencies that are supposed to be protecting our health, but in reality, they are complicit with the poison pushers, and the eugenics monsters? These haters of humanity are far worse than the haters of the other! These Gouls are planning the eradication of the species, while your guy is trying to fill the ocean with sand one grain at a time. I no longer reside in the matrix, so his efforts are palled by comparison. You can include me out! Hi Alexandra, I am a moderator for Braver Angles. I began their work 2 year ago as the launched the Red/Blue conversation platfore to bring civility to the political sciene. I forwarded this article to them as they have expanded their platform to many other topics that need addressing in this time of so much uncertainty. Frederick Kester LUT/RScP
Great article! Therapists know the same is true for fear. We fear the stranger, also the stranger within. But when we befriend what we fear fear looses its function.
This is a great article. Both Lexi and Daryl are legends, great to see them together. Classical education should bring people together based on their shared humanity and rationality. That is the noble mission of Lexi's Civic Renaissance, whose excellent work I proudly follow. Reason is the enemy of prejudice. Thanks for sharing!
Where to start! First, I will say that Daryl Davis is as good a person as can be asked for in this world, but the biggest problems facing humanity are not mentioned. It is like the Doctor who tells his patient, Mr. Jones, "do not worry about that hangnail Mr. Jones, it is nothing compared to the gangrene that is eating your leg off". While trying to heal hatred one person at a time, the powers that be are busy killing us all with drugs that damage, kill and ultimately depopulate the planet. The covid fraud is just the tip of the iceberg. Now I understand that writing books and selling them is important for you as a writer, and I understand that healing hatred is a noble activity. In this case it is as relevant as concentrating on what tune the band on the Titanic is playing while sinking! Do you not know what is going on with the WHO, the World Economic Forum, big pharma, and the health regulatory agencies that are supposed to be protecting our health, but in reality, they are complicit with the poison pushers, and the eugenics monsters? These haters of humanity are far worse than the haters of the other! These Gouls are planning the eradication of the species, while your guy is trying to fill the ocean with sand one grain at a time. I no longer reside in the matrix, so his efforts are palled by comparison. You can include me out! Hi Alexandra, I am a moderator for Braver Angles. I began their work 2 year ago as the launched the Red/Blue conversation platfore to bring civility to the political sciene. I forwarded this article to them as they have expanded their platform to many other topics that need addressing in this time of so much uncertainty. Frederick Kester LUT/RScP