Hi there, again...

An example of bad conflict was Auswitzh and other such concentration camps where everything was based on FORCE and MANIPULATION to put it lightly...

They were a rape of humanity and a lot of human potential and lives were lost -- on both sides...

Many were killed in the concentration camps, of course, but the Nazis were also mindless morons due to their INDOCTRINATION (which one sees in CHURCH, as well)...

Their real human potentials were INDOCTRINATED out of them for the sake of National Socialism (and most were Christian, as well. All of them were believers. Nobody who WAS NOT a believer could join the SS for example...

Bad conflict has FORCE, MANIPULATION and a FAITH COMPONENT to it..

Many thousands of Germans were also hanged after WWII...

These are just a short explanation of BAD CONFLICT...(and I am not a very big fan of something like church because I am very aware of what it did to my own life and to many lives around me because they want a sea of morons to SERVE them)...

An example of GOOD CONFLICT is seen in the SHAOLIN TEMPLE with its KUNGFU MONKS...

There are a set of basics for everyone and then everyone is send in his own different way. The best of them (and even the average ones) can do amazing things...

They care about the smallest details in their movements...

Their whole WAY is based on CHALLENGE, MOTIVATION, RESPECT (very important) and REWARD...

Their way is challenging humans to be the best what they can possibly be...


Yours sincere

Pieter J de Kooker (PJ)

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Hallo there!

Conflict can be healthy, or unhealthy...

To be CHALLENGED and to STRUGGLE are actually good for character growth in a person depending on the method used...

In kungfu (that means 'hard work') everyone does the same basics and after a person mastered the basics he is then trained in his own individual path by his Grandmaster.

He is basically CHALLENGED (NOT FORCED) to reach for perfection...and is REWARDED with titles and ranks. To STRUGGLE against a CHALLENGE produces positive growth in most people because it is in-line with human nature...

Being FORCED is the same as being as being OPPRESSED and is a harmful type of conflict because it destroys aspects of an individual's life and many times creates a very deep-seated anger in such a person...

One usually sees this type of conflict (in the previous paragraph) in COLLECTIVISMS (church and anything else that are basically FASCIST where everyone is forced into some form...

The problem with this approach is that one cannot fit circles into squares (and visa versa) especially if the CIRCLE or SQUARE is too big to be FORCED to fit...

That is when you create DAMAGED and ANGRY people...

People are not computers that you can program to do certain tasks...

People already ARE what they ARE before ANY education or training because everyone is born with certain tendencies of which SOME at least will be completely different from ANYONE else's tendencies, whether for better or for worse...

Everyone is unique like the kungfu masters already knew 1000s of years ago...

To be CHALLENGED leads to HEALTHY conflict and healthy personal growth in a person...

To be FORCED leads to OPPRESSION and DAMAGE to the humanity of a person -- and lots of anger in some people. This is a rape-culture -- and a primary reason -- for SICK CONFLICT that has led to wars, death and all-sorts of evil in the past...

Yours sincere

Pieter J de Kooker (PJ)

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